Dibber International Schools

Dibber International Schools (DIS) are a group of bilingual Swedish & English schools located in Stockholm and Helsingborg. DIS schools offer an international profile integrating the full Swedish national curriculum (LGR22) & the International Baccalaureate’s (IB) pedagogical framework* to create a learning environment where pupils can grow as individuals and world citizens.

The knowledge and understanding students bring with them from their school leaves new imprints on the world. Through Dibber International School, we want to be an international school where our students can grow as individuals and world citizens and be a positive influence in the world.

At DIS we foster a curiosity and passion for lifelong learning, with emphasis on both academic and aesthetic subjects, and where modern technology is available and integrated into learning to facilitate and extend learning. DIS school strive to foster well-rounded students who are both academically strong, but also caring individuals who want to make a difference in the world around them. When there is synergy between thoughts and emotions, a person develops, and learning is maximized.


*Currently both schools are authorised IB World Schools www.ibo.org
DIS Sollentuna provides both the PYP and MYP programmes, whilst DIS Helsingborg provides the PYP and is in the candidate phase for the MYP programme.

Read more about our programs below by clicking the link for a specific school. 

What is a Dibber?

dibber planting stick

A dibber is a small stick used for planting that makes room for seeds and cuttings to grow and thrive. Just like Dibber, DIS School aim to provide the same nourishment and stimulation to each student so they can reach their fullest potential. We want the seeds that we plant, in the form of curiosity, knowledge and self-confidence, will continue to grow for life.

Our pedagogy is based on four pillars

1. An interaction between LGR 11 and IB

We follow the Swedish National Curriculum LGR 22 and we have also adopted the IB (International Baccalaureate) framework. IB’s pedagogy is based on research and aims to develop critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication and innovation skills.

Dibber International schools provide both the PYP and MYP programmes* (Primary and Middle Year Programmes) These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that DIS believes is important for our students.

For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit http://www.ibo.org.

*Currently DISH is in the cadidacy phase of the MYP programme

2. Bilingualism

We teach in both English and Swedish. English is introduced gradually, ensuring a comfortable and suitable pace for each student whilst Swedish remains a core part of our curriculum, with students learning to seamlessly switch between both languages. This approach prepares them to confidently pursue further studies in either Swedish or English, whether in Sweden or at an IB school abroad.

3. Academic and aesthetic subjects

We have a holistic view of people. When a child’s creativity and fine motor skills interact, the child’s desire, participation, perseverance, concentration excels. Due to this, the academic and aesthetic learning processes support each other. Take a closer look at your local school how they work with the aesthetic subjects and if they have increased teaching and learning to promote the aesthetic subjects.

4. Technology and innovation

Dibber International School wants to make students ready for the future, hence we place importance on innovation and digital technology. Technology should contribute to improving society. We are facing major global issues which will need to be resolved which makes digital literacy and innovative thinking skills critical for our children. This places utmost importance on our ability to provide all students with sound tech skills.

Our schools

We have two Dibber International Schools in the Municipalities of Sollentuna and Helsingborg.

For more information about a specific DIS school and how to add your child to the queue, click on the links to the specific schools below: